Thursday, January 7, 2010


2010 we will be looking for adventure
in uncharted waters!!!

2010 our motto is stepping outside the comfort zone by
"taking that leap off the high dive of life with both arms ready to swim!!!"

Creatively we need a push, and stepping outside the Austin City Limits is our focus this year.
Stuart spent 7 years writing in Nashville, and he had no problem stepping back into the rhythm of things there last month as we started work on the new album in Music City. This was my first real project to do in Nashville, and I worked hard not to give into my nerves! The unknown is so scary, but exhilarating once you jump off edge and feel the excitement of taking it to the next level. Work will continue over the next 2 months on the music end of the album...we hope to have it in our hands by May to start radio promotions and get ready for a Sept. official release!

2010 TOURS will reflect our focus!
We will do our usual Rocky Mountain tour, and will be heading back to the Midwest. This year we will be adding Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin to the the Midwest Tour. We also plan to do our Southern Fried Pickin' Tour with an East Coast element added onto the end! We will structure this tour well with radio promotions for the new album.
We also will be attending several conferences within the Folk/Songwriting and Americana vain. So far we have the International Folk Alliance Conference on the schedule, and hope to add the Americana Music Festival in Sept. on the schedule. We realize we may be small fish in a big sea, but it's time to get our name out there and focus on broadening exposure!

GRAMMY ASSOCIATION is also something we plan on getting more involved in this year. Christine Albert and Chris Gage are two people who have mentored us since day one, and they were kind enough to encourage us to join as voting members 2 years ago; it has been a great opportunity. There are so many social events as well as panels and speakers that have been a great resource. We hope to get more involved and make a point to go to more of the events! Starting with the Grammy Watching party in Houston this year.
I can't wait to see if the people I voted for win their categories!
Wouldn't it be cool to get to vote for ourselves???
Hey why gotta dream it before you can see it!

So that our is focus for the days ahead. Some of you may think we've gone off the deep end...and that's okay. Life is about taking chances, and you have to be willing to take risks if you wanna stretch yourself. So are you ready to jump off the high dive with us?
Stepping outside the comfort zone is something that isn't easy, but can have great rewards!!!
One thing you guys should know about us by now, we're not afraid to fall, cause sometimes that is the best way to learn to fly!

From The Flyin' A's