Sunday, January 9, 2011


Jan. 9, 2011
No pictures, no nothing...I put technology on MUTE!!!!!
I took a full 4 days and purged myself of all technology from Dec. 27-30, and I
hate to admit it, but it TOTALY ROCKED!
Now, in the same breath I admit one way we make it as “Indie” artists is our web presence and following. Thank you to all of you cats out there that find us, “follow” us, check out our live unedited video on youtube and then buy our music and come to shows!
This is a crazy time we live in. It seems like at all times I have at least one little apparatus with me that beeps every 23 seconds with something I need to know. I hear that I can be tracked by satellite at any given moment if I have the wrong “app” on...and God forbid I miss a new Facebook feature...I am told that all my personal laundry will be hangin’ out in a matter of seconds to the whole world!
Well, here is some news for you guys:
#1. I ALWAYS wear shorts under my dresses and skirts...ALWAYS.
#2. I am as pale in person as online and that is by choice!
#3.Really people, not everything has to get posted for the world to see...can we just have a fun moment without “Big Brother”?
#4. Okay, well if I look really “hot” in a place that is cool, and people might like me more because of that...then go ahead and post it...(yeah, shallow I know BUT ONLY IF I DON’T LOOK FAT!!!!)
#5. Haaaa...Haaaa.....Haaaa....let’s all agree to quit taking ourselves so dag nabbit seriously and just enjoy each beautiful sun that rises, and try and add one act of kindness 
to the world within a 24 hour period!
#6. Confused yet....MMMMEEEE TOOOO????
#7. I think I’ll stick with #5 and just call it a day...or a year...or whatever!
NOTE: This post is not a reflection of any type of reflective anything and therefore no longer subject to the general or specific rules of reflectivity as noted or therefore projected by law or any other type of celestial rule or being as of date or any date to come.