Wednesday, September 22, 2010



The latest reports on the news say the recession is over, but I'll bet we all know more people now out of work than we did 2 years ago when this madness started.
We've had a close to a month home and have been catching up on all those things we left untouched while on the road. A month to catch our breath has given us time to think through where we stand as musicians, partners, spirits as well as members of our beloved Texas family.

On the road we talked to so many people in transition, whether it be from a job loss or a change in geography; I can't help but think we are in the middle of major cultural shift.
With the new album coming out as an independent release we are buckling down to make sure we can do it right. We are eating rice and beans, riding our bikes around town whenever possible rather than in the car, and focusing more and more on time doing things instead of time spending things.

As I look around at the world that surrounds me I look at my generation that are now in their early and mid thirties I realize that while we are breaking the "standard of living" on the low side of the income bracket, we are coming out on the high side as far as quality of life goes if you ask me.

As we gear up for a new set of Texas shows, I feel an excited tingle in my stomach for what lies ahead. There are so many friends in music we haven't seen since we've been gone, and so many new friends to make. We all know that money can only buy you so many friends, and they are usually bought on credit...and as we are realizing here in the US that credit can only get you so far.

So rice and beans it is, biking in the beautiful fall breezes of Austin, and many wonderful memories are waiting for us to make with friends and family in the months ahead.
Oh yeah, and that new album to release in January.
Life is good.

I think in life and love we're on the rich end, even if the Flying A Productions bank account doesn't make the "Fortune 500" list.