Saturday, August 6, 2011

Frankly My Dear Watson...


From our second chance to play Main Stage at Kerrville Folk Festival, to running through the streets of London in a rain storm, what a trip this first half of 2011 has been!

Best quotes from the road:

"It's time to grace the red velvet."
"Would you like a crumpet?"
"You should look  in the mirror and start singing like a white girl." (yeah, I don't get that one)
"Excuse me Miss, is this your backpack? Your gonna have to come with me..."
"Let me wire you up, we're just gonna sit and interview you for 10 minutes." 
"It's not the size of your paddle, it's what you do with it."
"See that rock? They call it poison rock;one drop and it will kill ya!"
"Sure, tell another joke..." (don't worry, I didn't!)

Highlights from the road:
1. FRIENDS- from the mini paddle ping pong matches in the mountains of Truchas, NM and long talks in the forest of Floyd, VA to cruising in the "VAN" with our buds the Roselly's in the UK...and all the friends we saw and made all are a huge highlight of our adventures!
2. My new shiny Taylor is my new best friend, and yes I kiss this guitar in public too! I know it may be dorky, but thank you Taylor for endorsing me so I can have this beautiful instrument. It's already made me a better player knowing you guys are backing me!
3. The Royal Academy Workshop- I learned so much about singing it truly blew my mind.  It has helped me really start thinking about my sound and how to ensure longevity. Thank you Mary King!
4. Reconnecting- This summer's tour really helped Stuart and I reconnect after 5 years of working to build our family and our music. Having so many new adventures together, as well as time to just enjoy each day and new city has been wonderful.
5. Inspiration- so many people had bits of inspiration and advice to share on the road. It was like as we turned each new corner there was a bit of wisdom waiting to find us!

Thank you to all of the venues, festivals, friends, and fans who have spread the word and come out to make all of our shows such a blast. It is an honor to get to share our music with so many wonderful people.
It truly means more to you then I can put into words!!!

Note the wonderful double chin addition to my look...we definitely enjoyed ourselves playing music, and tasting the local flavors!  Now time to find those running shows again!!!