Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It's all a choice...seeing things in shades of blue or rose colored clarity?

Watching CBS news lately has been NUTS!  Natural disasters, peaceful protests crushed by violence, mass murders, drug wars, floods, droughts, fires, melt downs, recessions, budget cuts...
...sometimes I can't help but get the blues listening to all of the insanity going on around us. 

I have been spending a lot of time working through issues on the home front as well as taking in all this madness that seems to be unraveling around us.  
Luckily the new album has been a breath of fresh air this year, and really helped us when we have needed most amongst the financial crisis and madness...thank you to everyone who has picked up a copy or downloaded a song!  But, with two step kids and a household to maintain, on top of the music, this year has stretched us both on and off the stage.

I have been hearing those annoying voices in my head screaming "What if...? How will you...?  Are you gonna...?" and letting my nerves unravel feeding on anxieties built on negativity, worry and all in all just plain stupidity that I've let sink into my psyche. 
My good friend Irene said it best...be careful who's voice you're "giving free rent to in your head"!
She hit the nail on the head (pun totally intended), I've been letting the wrong things manifest in this little head of mine.
 (True confession- I actually do have a small head...I wear a bike helmet size meant for an 8yr old, but my dad promises me that is no reflection of IQ!)

So lately I find myself  fighting to keep my head in the positive reality of our lives.
 Throughout my life I've been accused of seeing things through "rose colored glasses" and I'll be honest about it...often I choose to see things on the positive side. Lately the weight of the blues have been settling in, and I'm not entirely sure why. I think I have been letting my mind buy into the "stresses" of life when in reality those "stresses" I catch myself worrying on are just the "what if's" instead of the "what is"!  

So today I am choosing to put my rose colored shades back on, and start focusing on what is going right. 
The list starts with great friends, great family, great opportunities to explore and share our music, great travels ahead, and a beautiful sun that seems to shine bright every day no matter what shades I choose!  

Perspective is a choice, and today I commit to choosing the sunny side of life through my favorite pair of rose colored glasses. Want to join me?

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