Monday, October 31, 2011

How old are you???

How old are you anyway???

This is one of the top questions people seem to ask when I walk off stage and start a conversation.
Now, Grandma Niecy raised me to know how to be polite, 
and this was on the definite list of things NOT TO DO, 
along with asking a stranger with a big belly..."when are you due?"  

Now, that being said, I know as a performer if you have a good show, hopefully the audience will not only enjoy your music, but we will all have a moment or three where we become friends along the way. So, with that being said, I would like to think that is why people want to know?

So many times in this life we get stuck on age as a way to define ourselves and those around us? 
With a world so obsessed with age, beauty and capturing youth;a world where botoxed foreheads and butt lifts are available for a few generous monthly payments, I guess it shouldn't be any wonder people are so curious about my age. 
No, no butt lifts or botox on my resume for those who wondered.

I will admit, I usually handle the question with humor, then make up an age that I think will satisfy the person asking.  I figure the more ages out there, the better!
Is it my little way of avoiding the question? 
Sure, but it's also my way of quietly proving the point that I believe that it isn't necessarily about where we are on this time line compared to the next person that truly defines us.  I have met some of the wisest people that are only age 12 and some of the most immature people that are why do we care so much about our "born on date"?

I believe that we all have a limited time given to us on this earth, and it's not about the birthdate on your drivers's about today's date.

I truly strive to live in the moment, and while I don't always do it is something I always strive for. My big question back to those who ask is....why do you really care how old I am?

There are a lot more interesting questions to ask like what is my favorite food? Who do I admire most in my life? How much do I weigh?(Niecy hated that one too) How did I meet Stuart? How did I get into this music business? What things do I care about most?

Okay, enough of all old am I? Well I figure if you read this far down, you deserve to know. You have put up with my pontification long
 enough to see if I will ever brave the here goes.Hilary Claire Adamson's born 
on date is July 1, 1974.  That's right...some of you reading this are doing the math and realizing I've given you atleast 3 wrong ages...some older, some younger, maybe a few that were correct.
I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for playing my little age game? I just couldn't help it!  

I just think our society is so silly about age...but now you know the truth!
Do with it what you will...but maybe help make up a few ages along with me too.
After all, I truly believe you are only as old as you choose to be at heart!


Julia said...

People wonder about an artist's age because this world is full of botox users.
I understand why celebrities or public figures have such's very hard to stay on top if you don't look perfect and in order to achieve a dream there are some sacrifices that have to be made.
I have a friend that works for a local TV channel and she had a botox treatment in Toronto because she wanted to keep her job...when you are 40 years old and you compete with 18-24 years old girls, it's very hard to win...without a little help:)

Hilary Claire said...

Julia! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Please note, I am not knocking people for doing what they feel is best for their career and body by any means. I truly believe to each their own, and I support your friends choice if that is what is best for her.

I was merely presenting the idea that age is an illusion that is created within our society...from marketing to media it has infiltrated our society in a way that we have embraced as a society so much that we seldom even think of it as a choice.

I think we can choose individually and collectively to start breaking these "age rules" and live in the here and how fully. If a few of us start changing the emphasis from "brithdate" to something with substance...who knows who else might change focus?

Julia said...

I supported her too even if it's a shame that the age is playing such an important role, and not a person's skills and personality...
Maybe someday things will be different.